Friday, August 7, 2015

Music Industries.

Are you in to music?Lately new r&b/EDM ,Hipp-Hop Artists have been joining their dreams into music by signing Music Production Contracts and starting fresh.
Image result for contracts on music

Are you ready to Witness, Being famous? at your age It's Possible, It's hard but you can work through it all. being a music producer is hard, but it isn't challenging,so why not go for it? dont be easily to give up on it because its getting difficult,it's what you read in the contract, right?

Image result for contracts on music

It's not about doing it, its about dedication and you having to go through process to get where you want to.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Behind The Closed Doors!

Well here's another one coming at you! Today i'll just update you on some interesting Facts:

  1. Starting at the Most Popular R & B Hip-Hop Is, Rae Sremmurd, formally known as Ear Drummers, It was a idea to put Their names backwards to Hide the Mystery Behind the Name, Bet you didnt know that did ya?

  1. Well, You Will not believe you eyes right now. Famous Well-Known Actor, Will Smith Is a Criminal Behind All the love scenes and the great smile. He Was Charged in 1989 For "Aggravated Assault" And endangering Another person.WILL SMITH? Is it really Him?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Skrilex & Diplo Fan.

Skrillex & Diplo (Re-Imagine)

Skrillex & Diplo, Picture the two Working together! What do you get?

Not Only, Would you get this, but Better Music, Better Examples, and even Better Jives and Inspirations.

People Learn, Sing, Write, Dance Better with this type of Music. It's important to listen to the people not only with things like this but everything else thats important to them! We All need tot work together, thats what matter most.
Whatever Genre of Music you listen to its important to learn how people will react to it and respond, thats what music really is, getting to the soul and the rhythm.
Image result for skrillex and diplo

The Future.